The lines below are composed by Achan's friends about him.

Death is not an end

I have only left the world we used to share
We still are what we always were for each other.
Keep on addressing me in your old familiar way
With no emphasis on sorrow:
Mourning is for the dead and I am not
Since I am still present in your heart and thoughts.
Keep on laughing at what used to make us laugh,
Share with others what we shared together.
The more you will rejoice in life,
The more you will keep me alive.
Love goes on being what it always was,
Nothing, not even death can dilute its strength.
Don't give way to sadness;
We are only physically apart.
I am still by your side, not far,
Just around the corner of our memories.
Trust me, all is well.


Madhavan said...

Kutta.. Indira and I felt Preetha's father has come alive and is talking to all of us. The words , style and sentiments are so much like his! a compellingly touching piece.

Many of our close relatives enriched our lives in many ways.I am glad you are well supported in your great efforts to perpetuate those fond memories.

Madhavan and Indira

Anonymous said...

this is totally feels like appopa is rite here with us.thanks alot j mama fer puttin this up!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Quite as a coincidence, I got to read this well written piece only a couple of days back when Santhosh chettan shared this with me during my trip to Chennai. Yes, undoubtedly it felt as if Achachan is talking to us. I could not hold back my tears.And it is not any different when I read this again on Jayaram chettan's blog.

Let us believe He is 'by our side and all is well".

Thank YOU, Jayaram Chetta for sharing this.

Anonymous said...

great write up.
a true description of a great man. we sure do miss him and learned a lot from him.