Leela Valiyamma

in grateful remembrance..

<---- Pranav with Valiyamma

Leela valiamma's passing away in many ways is the end of a great era for all of us. We grew up admiring , almost idolizing Madhavavaliachan and Leela valiamma -- Madhava valiachan was a towering colossus, a doyen of his times , an epitome of righteous virtuosity-- Leela valiamma , ebullient , elegant, charming , ever regal & exuding the persona of a Maharani or princess..

As I write , my memories switch back to almost fifty years. Madhava valiachan and Leela valiamma are visiting Viyyur. Madhava valiachan smartly attired in shorts every inch the "Big" man with " high thoughts"-- Leela Valiamma alluring , enchanting in an immaculately draped saree and radiating her warm signature smile. Madhava valiachan soon engages into a no nonsense conversation with "Balan".. "Balan" was in many ways his confidante. Leela valiamma notices "Janu" on the steps to the" lean to" extracting "Chakacholas" from a large jackfruit.. Brushing "janu"'s protestations , Leela valiamma squats on the steps sharing the chore. She is in an animated conversation with "Janu" oblivious of the sticky "ckakachona" binding her fingers.. Ungrudgingly, she frees her fingers dipping in the oil cup and resumes the task. As a twelve year old, I watch the heart warming scene of genuine sharing concern and love..

Sunday mornings - the only holiday " Balan " had - he walks to Trichur to take a two hour bus ride to Alwaye. No conversations heard except handing of a " thorth mundu " by "janu" .. The white "thorth" signified his higher birth status and also served as a shade from sun.. Late in the evening "Balan" is back .. his face sun tanned smacks of satisfaction of a day well spent.. Later, we learnt his mission was assisting "chettan" in building an outhouse.. Their trust, commitment and faith in each other was total.

Years roll on … the concern and love of Madhava valiachan and Leela valiamma for "Balan" and "Janu" is extended to us the children . It was like being under a big banyan tree giving shade and comfort. We are eternally beholden for the kindness we were fortunate to receive from them..

Menonbari tucked among rubber plantations ,the abode Madhavavaliachan made was a veritable hermitage for the ascetic he was.. For Leela Valiamma ever vivacious and zestful , it was perhaps not an appealing idea..But her spirit of accommodation and undying desire to standby Madhava valiachan triumphed..

Sadly, the quirky fate had it's sinister designs to break the serenity of their sunset years.. Madhavaliachan was snatched away to be with Gods. Menonbari was empty.. The " moley……." calls from the easy chair in verandah remained a memory.. The loving children and families did everything to help Leela Valiamma to cope with the big big loss.. But the Queen could never be the same..

For someone free spirited, ever vibrant, always a "giver", the last part of journey was perhaps even more traumatic. The Queen had limitless courage to bear all sufferings. But the agony of children and families , their enduring pain and helplessness must have been devastating for her.

Mercifully, Leela valiamma had a peaceful end, peace descending on her that she soon will be joining Madhava valiachan in a distant land with " moley…… " on his lips.

We all revered , respected and loved Leela valiamma. We bow our head in obeisance …

Our heartfelt condolences for both of you and families who did everything humanly possible for your loving mother..

for and on behalf "Janu" and children